Our original and most celebrated carrier thoughtfully updated...a little more structure but with all the same softness...we think it is just Close common sense! The soft wide straps distribute baby's weight evenly across both shoulders and our new larger re-enforced back panel gives added support. Easy to put on by yourself and to adjust, simply pull through the rings to tighten, no tying necessary.  Multiple hands free positions, including discreeet support when breastfeeding and a new hip position for older babies. Secure straps support your baby from the top of their head to the base of their spine with excellent head and neck support and baby is held in the recommended 'frog legged' or 'M' position to fully support their developing hips and spine. The new padded cuff offers a little more support for baby and now has a handy zip pocket for you too.

A great round up of stretchy safety info can be found here

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